
Sunday, July 31, 2011

I got pretty desperate today...

Yes this is what I pushed into the city. Here is a detail on the sign.

I am not actually homeless, but I had to take a lot of stuff in that cart and decided to make a joke out of it! I made some people smile. but alas, received no tips.

til next time, 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My first major fail of the summer...

And it was something fitting into sewing AND stage managing... Some black backstage pants.
I'm too embarrassed to even show the back.
Great idea, horrible outcome. I just don't wanna wear these in public, PLUS they scream, "HOMEMADE!!!" and that is not usually what I want to go for. I guess that is what I get for measuring from my natural waist. Oh well! PJs.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Places to go NYC

At the request of some of my followers (mainly my mother) I will review some more places I have been in NYC.

Magnolia Bakery
I got a "Grand Central" cupcake (I was at Grand Central Terminal)
Pretty, huh?

Healthy- 2, I mean it's a cupcake...
Cheap- 3 at $3.25 I'm not thrilled by the price.
Yummy-5 VERY yummy!
Total: 10/15
Next up
Junior's Restaurant

I had a sandwich and a piece of cheesecake. My review only reflects the cheesecake. 

Healthy- 2, again, it's CHEESECAKE. It took me two sittings to finish this rich slice
Cheap- 3 it was about $5 for a slice, but worth every penny...(but still not cheap)
Total 10/15

Shake Shack 
I went to the one in Madison Square Park.

Healthy- 2 Hamburger, shake, fries...I've had healthier.
Cheap-4  I got a burger, fries and shake for about $11, not bad for NYC!
Yummy-5 I was skeptical since everyone I have talked to has raved about it, it lived up to expectations!
Total: 11/15

Last but not least for today, 
Yaffa Cafe

I loved the fun quirky atmosphere I went twice in 24 hours!

Healthy- 3 everything was fairly healthy, salad comes with things etc.
Cheap-3  Nothing too cheap, nothing too pricey. 
Yummy-4 some of the food was DELISH! some of what I had was okay. But still yummy overall
Total: 10/15

That's all for today!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I made an Apron in December as an "I am at home and have no project" project but it was so Christmas-y that I couldn't wear it every day of the year! so I made it my New Year's resolution to make an Apron a month! Here is how it is going so far...

Made from an old skirt. 

Complete disaster. I gave up on this one. I may pick it up later, but for now it looks like a big pink heap of yuck.

Made from an old dress that was too small.

Made from a $2 hideous skirt. Pattern is reminiscent of a Reggae Band, "Watusi" I played with for a show.

Made from a window panel from Goodwill. $1.00. 

A "June Cleaver" Apron for June. Made from a Goodwill  bed sheet.


 I am doing something different by making an apron for backstage! More details to follow!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Meal on a Budget AND less than 300 Calories!

This week I made a really easy fast and yummy meal AND it cost me next to nothing!
It's no gourmet meal but I didn't have to shop for anything, I had everything in my pantry.
I didn't buy this it came with the house.  $0

Deal from last week $1

From a previous dish. $0.5?
Leftover from 4th of July. I used 3. $0.60

And Grand Total price: $2.10 ($0.53 a serving!)
4 servings at 279 calories/serving!

I am pretty proud of myself!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Living on a budget can be tricky, but I think it just makes me get creative with shopping and eating. I am cooking things that are on sale AND things that I have coupons for while still trying to keep healthy. Amazingly, cheap foods tend to be less healthy... like the infamous ,
380 calories and 1540mg of sodium per package?!? 
I might get desperate one day, but for now I will do some couponing to avoid this.

SO some of my happy returns from coupons! The trick is knowing what coupons you have, only cutting out what you would buy anyway AND most importantly, waiting until an item goes on sale, so I browse the circulars of CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid and Stop&Shop. I picked those stores because they are all on the way in to work so I don't use extra gas. (I might add Wal-Mart to this mix it's not on the way, but not too far.)
Last week I spent $6.09 and got 5 items at CVS
Here's how it broke down:
  • Chex-Mix SALE 2/$3 + $.50 coupon =$1.25/package
  • Lucky Charms and Reeses Puffs SALE 2/$5 + $1 coupon = $2/box
  • Milk (no sale, but I needed it and it went toward gas points)
  • + $4 CVS Extra Care Bucks
The receipt says I saved $14.36 today! 

Yesterday at CVS I got a real steal!
  • Skintimate shave gel SALE $1.99 + $1 coupon 
    • I bought two of these because I had two coupons. 
  • +$2 CVS Extra Care Bucks
FREE! I bought something else I needed that wasn't on sale because I needed it so I did spend $6 but I saved $8!

At Stop&Shop the other day
  • Nature Sweet Cherry Tomatoes SALE buy one ($3) get one free! +$1 coupon= $1/package
More couponing adventures to follow!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tiny Project

 Before I left Dallas, I bought a pair of Green Pants from the thrift store for $0.50. They were just my size AND green AND on the clearance rack! I had to get them. But who REALLY wears green pants? 
They are a little too loud, even for me...
So I decided a quick fix would be to make them into cute summer shorts! A few snips and a quick hemming job and...


I love them!
Perfect for summer! $0.50 shorts!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Something for your computer

I made a fun patriotic background for my computer screen and thought I would share it with you!
Enjoy! More postings soon, I have been busy and have a lot to share!