
Friday, June 3, 2011


NO!!! I have just been busy. First of all I realize that my Vlog from last time is a little wack, meaning it doesn't work... I tried to fix it but whatever I will just record a new video on my camera and upload it that way.

I am in a new room in a new house!

The show I am working on started tech today which for me means not going into The City for a while. :( it's okayI shall be back when the next show starts rehearsals! That hour long commute has let me do a lot of things I love to do!

  • Knit a scarf -almost done, pictures soon.
  • Read "Breakfast at Tiffany's" -yes, I am in love and will be making a craft with a tutorial soon. 
  • Read the First three Harry Potter books! (well, really I am listening to Jim Dale read them  because I am obsessed with him after directing Scapino! for my Senior Studio/Capstone Project and he has won Grammys for these Audiobooks)
  • Jim Dale as Scapino
Yes, I have never read all of the Harry Potter books... Shocking I know. But I AM enjoying them and started the 4th book today. A goal for me is to finish all the books and see the other movies before July 15th (when the last movie comes out).

Since I have been in and out of NYC I got to see 

It was the best show I can remember seeing. After the show  Elaine and I waited at the 

And we met 
Mark Rylance
And we shook his hand and told him we appreciated his performance, we just graduated and are theater students and he wished us good luck in theater!!!

I am still on a high from that!

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